Thursday, July 5, 2012

new day in uae navy

in the world now if you wont to complet your life you must lerning evrey day. not just in navy . in uae navy there are new things in every days . now new tachnology goining with semple work . so any one joine navy is very luky. i hope before you joine navy asked any one oldest than you and take his opienion .

my prezi:
lerning new thing give you esey way to under stand navy life .
in the navy if you wont to be cam big officer you must learn new thing in every day .
learning can give you the way to move and think in your life .
studying new thing improve your mined and creat new idia about the subjects.
We learned alot and we gained alot of experience during this course. In this course our skills in communication has deveploped alot. moreover we went to the seatraining and during the training we laerned how life is at the sea.